Joyful Budgeting in Retirement: Our Easy Solution

There’s not a fellow retiree I know of who doesn’t think about how to balance spending and conserving their wealth. Jon and I go through a very specific process, developed over years, for each major spending decision. We thought we would share our process with you since it has allowed us to live our dreams now and feel confident that we will continue to conserve enough money to live our dreams for years to come.


Here’s how we maintain abundance while using our financial resources in a way that creates joy for us in retirement. Indeed, we want to 

  • spend without trepidation, 
  • to have a solid understanding of our spending habits and flexibility, 
  • and to sleep soundly each night knowing that we are spending in a very responsible way. 


In other words, we’re happy about our spending and it gives us joy to think about the ways that we’re spending our money. We work with a certified financial planner to achieve these goals...

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